How Human Personality is developed by Erikson’s Theory of development?

First of all, let’s talk about the theory which states that a person’s personality is developed through social interaction with the environment and also with the increasing age its personality also changes. In his theory, he develops the eight stages and development is undergoing through these stages. Following are the stages:-
At the first stage, the baby starts seeing the world through a trust and mistrust point of view and this creates a sense of hope in him. If a baby gets successful in this stage then he will get a sense of hope.
At the second stage, we see that baby starts to walk and try to talk this stage is called autonomy vs shame. If a child gets successful then he will gain a sense of independence if not then he will feel shame.
The third stage is called initiative vs guilt at this stage children make plans and activities. The success of this stage will lead to the development of a sense of initiative.
The fourth stage is called Industry vs inferiority. At this stage, a child makes a decision or plan and if he gets successful he will get confidence if not then he will feel inferior.
The fifth stage is identity vs role confusion. At this stage of life teenagers usually, adopt the career of their choice and make a decision. The success of this stage will lead towards the life to the goal.
The sixth stage is called Intimacy vs isolation. At this stage, the adult shares their feeling and make relationships with other. The success of this stage leads to a good relationship.
The seventh stage is called Generativity vs stagnation. This is that age of life when we develop our career and family and now we feel that we want to serve or help others.
The last stage is called Integrity vs despair. At the retirement age time if we feel that we are successful or achieve everything we then develop integrity otherwise we are desperate.