Muhammad Abubakar Mir
2 min readMar 15, 2021

During Therapy session when a therapist transfers emotion, feelings or thought to the client which unconsciously creates attraction or feeling in the client towards therapist and therapist in return also feels attraction towards its client then it is called countertransference.

Countertransference contains two words ‘Transference’ which means the client feels attraction towards his therapist and ‘Counter’ which means Therapist also feel the same feelings or emotion. For example, if there is a client who had relationship issues and is not talking because she finds projection of his husband in the therapist, so in that case, it is expected that therapist to show himself well in front of the client and to start a conversation with him he might give some emotions or feeling which in result create countertransference.

How to manage it:-
Following are the points to manage it:-

  • If the therapist feels this then he must consult with some senior therapist and get his advice.
  • The therapist must create boundaries like during therapy he must show the client that he treats all his clients in the same way that he is treating her with the same behavior and emotions.
  • The therapist must change his voice tone and behavior so that the client must understand he is not the person which she is looking for.
  • In the end, if the situation is not under the therapist's control then he must refer his client to another therapist.
  • Also, after this situation, the therapist must also take therapy from any senior therapist.
Muhammad Abubakar Mir

🇵🇰 | Studying Clinical Psychology | Interest in Science, Psychology, Politics, and Criminology. For